Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Workshop Series Part 1 & 2 - Setting Objectives &Providing Feedback and Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition

Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback
Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition

* Teachers will identify tools and resources necessary for effectively setting objectives & providing feedback in their classroom.  Teachers will participate in activities that reinforce effort and provide recognition.

  • Review of the 9 Classroom Instruction That Works
  • Goals & Anxieties

Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback:
  • Verbal & Written
  • I can… Statements
  • Anchor Charts
  • Tasks Lists
  • Rubrics
  • Menus

Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition:

  • Class Dojo
  • Pause-Prompt-Praise
  • Rubrics
  • Prompt Posters (anchor charts)
  • Affirmation Cards

  • I am willing to try ______________________________________ to set objectives and provide feedback.

  • I am willing to try ______________________________________ to reinforce effort and provide recognition in my classroom.

Working Agenda:
  • Review all 9 strategies
  • Have teachers share goals and anxieties about CITW
  • Share/discuss items for Setting Obj
  • Review to agenda being a tasks list (How many of you have already started checking tasks off?)
  • Show example of menu and have teachers select activities they would choose if they were the student and had been given that menu.
  • Class Dojo should be up and running from start of class.
  • Share/discuss reinforcing effort & providing recogn. Items listed
  • Have teachers create a social skills prompt poster/anchor chart
  • Affirmation cards – who has the most dojo points gets set of affirmation cards.
    • Note about praise: abstract praise is more effective than tangible.  What ways is the campus providing concrete/tangible rewards?  Beginning level students need abstract praise more (through gestures, verbal, pantomime.  High level students want you to explain in detail their academic achievement.
  • Any questions? Continue giving points for anyone discussing or sharing posters/ideas, etc.
  • Conclusion statements – teachers complete.  As teachers complete, give dojo points. Who has most points – gets prize!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Overview of CITW

The first session in the workshop series is the Overview.  Below are the presenter notes from this session. The title at the top of each box is of course the instructional strategy.  The addition text in each box are notes as to the activity the participants would do or what they would write or discuss at that time. At the conclusion of these notes, 18 participants were randomly given a card with notes or a strategy.  Playing "I have..., Who has..." participants reviewed all 9 strategies once more.

And if you would like to use the "I have..., Who has..." cards here is the link for that document: