My Action Research Progress Update:
August 15, 2012 was the kick off date of my action research plan. The instructional coaches and curriculum
coordinators presented the district initiatives at the principal’s meeting. Included in this presentation were the
Effective Instructional Strategies.
Since then the Curriculum and Instruction Team has participated in
training from McRel (Marzano’s original company when the first edition of Classroom
Instruction That Works was written). We have been trained on conducting classroom
Power Walk-throughs that primarily look for effective instructional strategies.
The instructional coaches have 3 goals
this school year that tie to our district strategic plan and one revolves
primarily around my action research plan. The first step we did in preparing teachers
and training teachers on effective instructional strategies was to map out in
what order we would present the strategies. We were very excited during our training with
McRel to learn that the order we had planned to train teachers was the same
order that McRel presents the strategies during their training. Even though some strategies have a higher
yield of improvement than others, you must start with creating the learning
environment. The other progress we have
made on the action research plan is setting dates and beginning what we have
called “Workshop Series”. Some campuses
have set the workshop series to be twice a month during common time (30
minutes, whole staff). Other campuses
are holding their workshop series during conference times once a month( 45
minutes, just one grade level at a time). On November 1 we will begin our initial round
of Power Walk-throughs to gather our initial data on effective instructional
strategies happening in the classrooms. At this time I am very pleased with the
progress and track that I am on with my action research. I would have liked to have my initial data by
November 1 rather than just starting it November 1 but this allows administrators
to receive the training as well which I will be able to add their data to mine which
in turn will allow me to gather data more quickly than I would alone.
Progress Hours to Date:
Training that I have attended: 12 hrs
Preparing for trainings and presentations I conducted: 6 hrs
Conducting trainings and presentations: 18 hrs
Practice Walkthroughs: 3 hrs
TOTAL HOURS: 39 hours
Progress Hours to Date:
Training that I have attended: 12 hrs
Preparing for trainings and presentations I conducted: 6 hrs
Conducting trainings and presentations: 18 hrs
Practice Walkthroughs: 3 hrs
TOTAL HOURS: 39 hours