Saturday, September 29, 2012

Power Walkthroughs (PWT)

I am very excited about the progress I am making on my action research plan.  On September 14, our Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Team participated in the training from McRel on Power Walkthroughs (PWT).  Using their walkthrough tool, we conducted a few practice rounds with videos on checking for effective instructional strategies.  After lunch we headed into the classrooms at the high school and conducted live walkthroughs.  These walkthroughs were very similar to Dana Center walkthroughs the instructional coaches have done the past 3 years but now we can FINALLY look at the effective instructional strategies because the teachers are being told by their administrators to incorporate them in their lesson plans and teaching, it is a district initiative, they are not leaving them to the wayside any longer!  The data will be erased at the end of our training because we have not populated our accounts with teachers but it is coming.  Campuses administrators will have the opportunity to participate in a 2 day training at the end of October.  Day 1 will be Effective Instructional Strategies, Day 2 will be using the PWT tool.  On November 1 our teachers will be uploaded into our accounts and we will begin live walkthroughs.  This will be our initial data. The best feature of the PWT tool is that anytime any administrator walks into the classroom to conduct a walkthrough, the data is collective for our entire team.  This means that I will be able to have initial data more quickly than working alone to gather data as we have in the past.

The two diagrams below are observable evidence of Blooms and CITW (Classroom Instruction That Works).  During PWT, the observer carries these tools with them to ensure they are marking the appropriate evidence.

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